Peter Murphy aka Rockhunter examines the Cork beaches after the recent storms and notes the changes the weather has made on them.  On Saturday March 1st after digging a bunch of lug at low tide he heads to one of these beaches to try his luck.  He tells us “It was a far better session than I had dared hope for with 3 bass taken in daylight, 13 coalfish and a flounder. It was well worth taking the chance with a new mark in daylight.”

The following day Peter caught bass, 6 coalfish, a flounder and a five bearded rockling. Read about his weekend’s fishing on ‘Daytime bass – 1st & 2nd March

Bass No. 2 weighing 3.25lbs
Bass No. 2 weighing 3.25lbs
37cm Flounder
37cm Flounder


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South Coast, Ireland