Donal Kennedy reported on another cracking day’s fishing in Killala Bay. On July 1st, a party of anglers from Dublin set out to fish Killala Bay in which could only be described as glorious conditions. Everything was right about the weather: calm, soft drift, some sunshine with rain to follow later on in the day.

The skipper headed far out to the head of the bay to a spot where there was a strip of sand and hard ground all around it. It was well worth the try, with 5 varieties of ray being caught: painted ray, thornback ray, spotted ray, blonde ray and cuckoo ray! The best of the ray was well into double figures and all 25 were put back alive. Along with the ray, an array of other species was caught including plaice, dab, tub gurnard, pouting, grey gurnard and dogfish.

As the drift passed over harder ground it wasn’t long before the anglers met some fine pollack, ling and cod. Mackerel were also in good supply and at the end of the day some 14 varieties were caught.
To book a day’s fishing in Killala Bay contact Donal Kennedy on +353 (0)0868174509 or visit