Now in its third, revised and extended edition, this book – a landmark on the subject – shows how you can consistently catch specimen pike when fishing rivers, lakes, gravel pits and lochs throughout the northern hemisphere.

How to Catch Big Pike
How to Catch Big Pike

Distinguished pike fisherman Paul Gustafson, an experienced biologist as well as a gifted angler and researcher, shows how you can develop techniques that will catch bigger pike when fishing any location. He describes how to locate the biggest fish in a fishery, the best way of catching it, and how to apply various clever techniques and the most effective tackle to achieve greater success.

His full-colour new edition includes new photographs and new, specially commissioned artwork. It covers the very latest scientific discoveries about how pike detect their prey through dedicated olfactory organs; how they use their specialised sense of smell; and what it is exactly that pike see – with obvious relevance to choice of lures.

The author has also included new material on the fishing of loughs, lakes and rivers in Ireland; on fly fishing for pike; and on how to locate record pike in a new chapter written by Fred Buller.

Available from and in ebook form.The book can be purchased by simply calling Elaine Cowie on 0203-1227000 or for Trade Orders Charlotte Clay on 0203-1226791.

pike dvd

Paul has previously released a DVD that also features Ireland, showcasing venues in Cavan and the Lake Counties, Lough Erne, Lough Ramor, Lough Gowna, Lough Oughter and many more. Fly fishing, dead baiting, lure fishing and trolling are all covered in this lovely film with fish of over 23lb being caught.

The D.V.D. is available directly from which is full of free tips for pike anglers globally.