Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane…

28/3/19 Currane anglers were calm and collective this day, so calm in fact by the end of their day they were reflecting their lack of action and by late evening they were also reflecting why they didn’t do what Cork Angler, Mr. Jack Murphy and his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of did and for good reason, thy caught a fine 9 lbs. Salmon while trolling on the evening shift. Weather calm and bright sunshine all day. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 12.1 c.

29/3/19 Well we start on a bright note and yes you have it, there was bright sunshine all day with a light breeze from the West and I have to confess the Currane anglers tried their best and sadly the fishing conditions weren’t at there best. Yesterday’s weather maximum air temperature 11.8 c.

30/3/19 The Currane anglers were all quiet on all fronts and for good reason, Currane was on the calm side and what wind was there was from the West with reasonable could cover and that’s your ration on today’s manipulations. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 12.1 c.

31/3/19 The Currane anglers had another tough day, especially the Currane fly anglers as they had to wait for the calm wind to change from the East, it wasn’t until the afternoon when it changed from East to the West, but sadly the Currane wild Atlantic Salmon wouldn’t Rise this Mothers Day and the same goes for Currane trollers. Weather as already stated. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 11.2 c.

1/4/19 Going by my mobile phone today all the April Fools were on the Currane anglers as they tried their best to fool the Wild Atlantic Salmon but to no avail. On the weather front the wind was light NW then veered SW with  reasonable cloud cover. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 13.1C.

2/4/19 Talk of contrast of weather, last weeks temperatures rocketed to the high teens and today the temperatures plummeted to 7 c. It felt like 5  with hail, sleet and snow and violent gusts from the NNE and NNW what do you expect and believe it or not the wind gusts got so violent that one boat had to head straight for cover and I can tell you it wasn’t long before all the Currane anglers headed for home and that was their ration and yours as well on this wild wintry day. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 0.7 mm. Maximum air temperature 11.1C

3/4/19 The Currane anglers had much of the same today as yesterday, but much colder and a very strong and variable NNW wind followed by heavy showers. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 8.2 mm. Maximum air temperature 8.5C.

That is your ration  from your Gillie and the Waterville Fishery, no spin no fly’s just facts.

Vincent Appleby

Go fishing…

Vincent Appleby

Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]

Waterville Lakes and Rivers Trust

The Waterville Lakes & Rivers Trust, formed by concerned volunteers in 2016, is one of the new Rivers Trusts to be set up in Ireland and is currently aspiring to Charitable Status. Its remit is to protect the fresh and coastal waters of the Iveragh Peninsula.

Find out more and how you can contribute at

Find out more about Lough Currane…

The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see