Minister Ryan welcomes funding announcement for conservation projects in Carlow, Cork, Donegal, Galway, Kilkenny, Laois, Limerick, Mayo, Wexford, Westmeath and Wicklow
Inland Fisheries Ireland, the state agency with responsibility for the protection and conservation of freshwater fish and habitats, is awarding funding to 17 projects in 11 counties under the ‘Habitats and Conservation Scheme 2021’.
Under two separate funds, the Salmon and Sea Trout Rehabilitation, Conservation and Protection Fund and the Midland Fisheries Fund, eligible angling clubs, commercial fishermen and fishery owners were invited to apply for financial assistance to support fisheries conservation projects in their local areas.
€774,000 in funding for 17 projects has been approved so far this year, going to projects based in Carlow, Cork, Donegal, Galway, Kilkenny, Laois, Limerick, Mayo, Wexford, Westmeath and Wicklow. Examples include:
- construction of rock ramp passageways to make it easier for fish to migrate upstream and downstream of impassable weirs
- improvements to water quality by installing fences to stop livestock from entering the river and providing water pumps and troughs for livestock to minimise agricultural impacts
- encouraging wild river regeneration by planting native Irish trees and shrubs along riverbanks in combination with fencing
- enhancement of spawning and nursery habitats for salmon and sea trout
- research to inform and improve national management decisions around sea trout
- carrying out catchment-focused feasibility studies, habitat management plans, aquatic invasive species plans and environmental assessments to improve river habitats and species
- soft engineering works to help regenerate the land and water adjacent to rivers
Financial assistance under the Salmon and Sea Trout Rehabilitation, Conservation and Protection Fund (SSTRCPF total of €744,326) is generated by the sale of salmon and sea trout angling licences and commercial fishing licences in Ireland. The Midlands Fisheries Fund (MFF total of €29,778) is financed through contributions from permit income, received through the Midlands Fisheries Group permit area. To be eligible, applicants to the SSTRCPF must have purchased a valid salmon and sea trout angling licence or a commercial fishing licence or for the MFF, hold a current Midlands Fisheries Group permit.
Further allocations of funding may be announced later in the year and the full list of projects can be seen at
Approved projects under the Habitats & Conservation Call 2021 (announced in August 2021)
Salmon and Sea Trout Rehabilitation, Conservation and Protection Fund (SSTRCPF) and The Midlands Fisheries Fund (MFF)
Fund |
Organisation |
Description |
Catchment |
County |
Funding Approved € |
Lough Ennell Trout Preservation Association |
The installation of livestock proof habitat fencing, solar water pumps and stock drinking troughs to enhance water quality, salmonid spawning and nursery habitat on the Dysart River, Co. Westmeath |
Brosna River |
Westmeath |
15,000 |
Fore Heritage and Amenity Group |
The installation of livestock proof habitat fencing, foot bridge, solar water pumps and stock drinking troughs to enhance water quality, salmonid spawning and nursery habitat on the Glore River, Co. Westmeath |
Inney River |
Westmeath |
14,778 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
The construction phase of a rock ramp on an impassable weir to improve fish migration upstream and downstream for salmon, eel and lamprey at Brett’s Weir, on the River Nore, Co. Kilkenny |
Nore River |
Kilkenny |
120,000 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
Habitat enhancement works for salmon on the River Erkina, Co. Laois. Works include selective tree pruning, fallen tree removal, random boulders and pair deflectors to improve water quality, habitat, climate mitigation and fish passage |
Nore River |
Laois |
24,000 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
Research to investigate thermal preferences of sea trout smolt migration and to improve understanding of temperature factors which are likely to influence their marine survival. |
Erriff River |
Mayo |
40,000 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
River habitat management plan for the Dawros Catchment in Connemara to identify and prioritise appropriate rehabilitation measures to benefit salmon and sea trout habitat and conservation. |
Dawros River |
Galway |
30,000 |
Kilbarry Salmon Anglers |
River regeneration project on the River Blackwater at Kilbarry Salmon Fishery Lower Beat Co. Cork involving fencing and livestock drinking units to allow the river to regenerate naturally. The measures will improve water quality, provide climate mitigation, flood resilience and enhance habitat for salmon, sea trout and other river species and vegetation. |
River Blackwater |
Cork |
17,500 |
Kilbarry Salmon Anglers |
Riverbank enhancement on the River Blackwater at Kilbarry Salmon Fishery Co. Cork including soft engineering willow weave, geotextile matting, strategic native planting and repairs to existing stone supports. The measures will improve water quality, provide climate mitigation, flood resilience and enhance the habitat for salmon, sea trout and other river species and vegetation. |
River Blackwater |
Cork |
48,000 |
Glenville and Kildinan Trout Anglers Association |
Invasive plant species management plan and appropriate assessment screening for river enhancement proposals on the River Bride at Kildinan, Glenville, Co. Cork. The plan will help focus appropriate management efforts in dealing with existing invasive weeds and help regenerate native plant species. |
River Bride |
Cork |
56,000 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
Preparation of detailed reports and design for the removal of and/or improvement of fish passage at 4 specified weirs on the River Deel at Askeaton. The plan will lead to opening up of 40 kms of main river channel and 100 kms of tributaries for migrating species such as salmon, sea trout, eels and lamprey |
River Deel |
Limerick |
105,000 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
Construction of a rock ramp fish passageway at an impassable weir at Ballinacarrig on the main channel of the River Barrow, Co. Carlow. The rock ramp will facilitate the passage of salmon, eels, lamprey, trout and shad to an additional 100 kms of main river channel and 120 kms of tributaries. |
River Barrow |
Carlow |
100,000 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
The carrying out of a feasibility study, surveys and reports to identify the optimum solution for fish passage at an impassable weir at the Still Pond in Enniscorthy. |
River Slaney |
Wexford |
30,000 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
Riparian enhancement works on drained channels of the Cloondahamper and Sinking Rivers on the Clare River, Co. Galway to improve available habitat for salmon and sea trout at all life stages. |
Corrib Catchment |
Galway |
82,000 |
West Limerick Deel Anglers |
Appropriate Assessment Screening and detailed in-river habitat management plans. These plans will help inform appropriate measures and rehabilitation for salmon and sea trout habitat being proposed as part of the Riddlestown stream rehabilitation works. |
River Deel |
Limerick |
10,000 |
East Wicklow Rivers Trust |
The carrying out of a feasibility study, surveys and reports to identify the optimum solution for fish passage at an impassable weir at Ballinglen Bridge on the Derry River. |
Avoca catchment |
Wicklow |
50,000 |
Rosses Anglers Association |
River habitat enhancement measures for Salmon spawning and nursery in the Dungloe catchment to increase juvenile recruitment and survival. |
Dungloe Catchment |
Donegal |
16,826 |
East Mayo Anglers Association |
River habitat management plans to identify appropriate prioritised measures for salmon and sea trout habitat rehabilitation over a five-year period in the East Mayo Anglers Association waters of the River Moy. |
River Moy |
Mayo |
15,000 |
Evaluation of Applications
Applications are reviewed by Inland Fisheries Ireland in accordance with the Environmental Assessment Process, before being put forward for a detailed review by a specific evaluation panel for each fund (‘SSTRCPF’ and ‘MFF’). These panels are made up of both Inland Fisheries Ireland staff and angler representatives. The panel recommendations are reviewed by the Development Funding Oversight Group and their recommendation is passed to the Board of Inland Fisheries Ireland for final decision.