Inland Fisheries Ireland ‘Habitats & Conservation Scheme 2022’ will provide funding to 34 conservation projects across 14 counties. The scheme, consisting of two funding streams- The Midlands Fisheries Fund and the Salmon and Sea Trout Rehabilitation, Conservation and Protection Fund is generated by the sale of salmon and sea trout angling licences and commercial fishing licences in Ireland.

In 2022 the counties that have been awarded grants for fisheries conservation funding are Cavan (€35K), Cork (€12K), Donegal (€90K), Dublin (€12K), Galway (€115K), Leitrim (€6K), Limerick (€116K), Louth (€45K), Mayo (€130K), Meath (€224K), Monaghan (€30K), Westmeath (€66K), Wexford (€30K), Wicklow (€9K) and a national project.

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