There was a fantastic turnout for the East Corrib Alliance catch-and-release competition on Sunday, with 120 anglers fishing on the day. All proceeds were going to habitat works and stream restoration, and the huge turnout shows a big interest among anglers in supporting this valuable work.
Fishing conditions on the day were not conducive to good fishing, with bright skies and a very calm lake, but 24 trout were caught and measured. The winner on the day was Gene Haran, no stranger to the winner’s enclosure, closely followed by Basil Shields. Well done to all the competitors and winners, and it is great to see clubs getting together and running a great competition on a catch-and-release basis.
Gene Haran (left) accepting the winner’s trophy from Ted WherrySecond-placed Basil Shields receiving his prize
As said, the money raised goes into stream development, with the work carried out in consultation with Inland Fisheries Ireland and the OPW Drainage Division, who both provide significant resources. The works planned and carried out improve spawning and nursery habitat for young trout and salmon, and will be of great benefit to trout stocks on the lake.
Removing cattle access on the Headford river reduces bank erosion and sediment entering the river
Reports from Corrib are of reasonably good fishing in the deeps for Daphnia-feeding trout, as well as patchy but sometimes excellent fishing to dry flies in the shallows. Trolling is also producing some great ferox trout. Top predator guide Tomi Kurman reports:
Some time ago we had a little “sec.ret” mission It was a day’s Ferox fishing which I donated in aid of charity, raising money to help a little boy to undergo a serious operation abroad. 3 gentlemen Maciej Ko, Paweł Wędkarska Zajawa from Scotland and Fin Lawler from Dublin offered the highest bids, so they were the winners of this auction. I have to say I was looking forward to this day, and lucky Corrib didn’t disappoint. I didn’t publish details earlier, because Paweł wanted his You Tube video ready on time too….
Check this out guys! It’s in Polish, but I’m sure you will notice the excitement and emotions accompanying great fish which were caught!
Fin, didn’t got his chance, but…. He will next time. First Pawel landed a lovely conditioned fish of 71cm which was his PB, and then….. (just when we enjoyed lunch ;-)) another rod doubled and it was Maciej’s turn to play the fish (we were laughing because he landed 3 pike before and boys said he’s a “by catch master”!
I knew straight away this wasn’t a pike! After a few minutes I saw it first time- a Beast of a Fish…. Few more moments and it was safely in the net!
The giant Trout measured 87cm and weighed just over 17lbs (estimate)
We didn’t confirmed weight because we wanted to release this magnificent fish as fast as possible!
You can imagine what happened in the boat just after (or just watch it in the video above)
In all aspects it was a great day! We helped a little boy, we caught some great fish and finally met each other!
See you next time guys! Thank you and congratulations on your new PB’s…. The bar is set quite high now
Including those two fish, and couple boated just after, current stand of “The Count” is 94!
Will Tomi make it to 100 ferox for the season? We’ll be keeping an eye on his page to find out!
Go Fishing
Tomi Guided Fishing
To book a trip with Tomi Kurman, give him a call on 085 7318541 or check out his Facebook page here: Tomi Guidedfishing