Skipper Luke Aston had a new group in for a week this week. On their first day they hit the reefs and found coalfish in abundance.

The next day they headed north from Loop Head. Mackerel in good bunbers were found at the Loop, as Luke says “They were the more “normal” summer mackerel. All spring they have been very big.
“On the reefs north we had a better sign of Pollack and less Coalfish. Numbers were not as big but it was steady enough. Also some fine Spurdog’s to the boat with one well over specimen size.”

Some more reef fishing followed a quiet day in the estuary, with some lovely fish recorded, and a nice mix of species. There was also a cracking ling boated, well into double figures.

A cracking ling on the reefs

Go fishing…

Clare Dragoon

Clare Dragoon is a LOCHIN 366 powered by 650HP engine, skippered by Luke Aston and operating out of Carrigaholt Co. Clare…

I have some offers up on my web site and if anybody is interested in putting a trip together please do get in touch. Also I Twitter from the boat on @fishandstay and try to update my face book page fairly often!To experience some of the best deep sea fishing available in Ireland contact Luke.
Telephone: +353 65 9058209 or +353 87 6367544
Email: [email protected] Web: