Fishery manager Jim Stafford reports from the River Erriff on fishing up to Saturday last:

It was a week of very mixed weather conditions with heavy rains and gale force winds at times. With the heavy rains the river rose very quickly on the night of the 5th. Levels remained high but very clean for the week.
Peter Huggard, U.K. caught 7 salmon and 1 sea trout for the week. Anthony Luke and Mary Henry, Nunnington N. Yorks. caught 3 fish on Quarry Pool on Beat 2 on a Willie Gunn and a further 3 on the Coronation Pool on Beat 8 – best fish estimated at 13lbs, all fish were sportingly released. Mr. John Martin Smith, Irl. caught 2 in Humps & Hollows and in the Colonel’s Run on Beat 6 on a Silver Stoat. Louis Brody, U.K. caught his first Irish salmon in Yellow Banks on Beat 5. Jim Wilson, Foxford released a fish estimated at 9lbs taken on a Coolrow Killer on Beat 7. Lal Flahery & Alan McGurdy caught 3.
Wolfgang Sesselmann, Germany and his son Martin caught 6 for the week and the other member of the Party Ingolf Russ caught his first ever two salmon – best fish 7.5lbs taken on a Cascade in the Yellow Banks on Beat 5. Kirsty Anna Macleod, Inverness shire, Scotland fishing the Erriff for the first time caught 3 fish in the Falls and Garden Pool. Urgan Mantle, Clonbur released a 5.5 lbs. fish caught in the Straight on Beat 5. Friday the 9th was a brilliant day for Stuart Price and Martin Davison who caught 5 fish and released 4 of them – all fish were taken on Beat 6. Jack Prendergast, Dublin released a fish taken in the Horseshoe Pool at the top of Beat 3. Liam Maloney from Dublin released one taken on a Cascade in Humps & Hollows.
At the time of writing the river has dropped after a 2.5 meter spate on Sunday, and is now in perfect condition for the fly.
Total catch for the week was 42 salmon (27 Released) and 8 sea trout.
To book fishing or accommodation, contact Jim at Aasleagh Lodge on 095 42252, or email [email protected]