Rainfall warning
Today, Thursday, rainfall accumulations of 25 to 45mm will occur widely in Leinster and Ulster. In Connaught and Munster higher accumulations of 35 to 60mm will occur, and some mountainous regions in these provinces are likely to record 60 to 90mm.
Strong winds will be a feature of today’s weather also. East to northeast winds will reach gale force for a time in parts of Leinster and Ulster. In many parts of Connaught and Munster, north to northwest gales will occur by afternoon and gusts as high as 110 km/hr may be experienced locally, especially coastal locations.
Additionally, any coastal areas experiencing onshore winds around times of high tide will be prone to overtopping by the sea.
Gale warning
Easterly gales or strong gales developing this morning on all coasts and on the Irish Sea; northerly gales or strong gales developing on western and southern coasts this afternoon, with winds possibly reaching storm force later between Roche’s Point and Slyne Head.
These warning will be updated as necessary at http://www.met.ie/forecasts/warnings.asp
Sources of water level information