Anthony Greene of Top Tackle was out after pike last week:

It had been too long since we had hit Monaghan and we had nearly forgotten the incredible quantity of fine fish that lurk in the depths of these beautiful scenic lakes, so we decided to take a day out from the busy schedule and head on up. It was an early misty start and we were rewarded within 10 minutes of our first troll we had a nice Jack on the boat and had missed a couple.

We figured the pike were on so we switched of the engine and thrashed the area with a huge range of lures both big and small. They truly were on  and the lures went down a treat and brought numerous Jack Pike to the boat but the bigger pike still hadn’t show their faces so the plan after lunch was to sit back and go on the troll.

We were straight into the action as the pike hit the lures really hard but kept failing to connect with the hooks and one or two pike even tried a savage attack on our floats. It was frustrating but eventually, as we were upon the magical evening hour, we connected with some better fish.  We got 2 really cracking pike that were in super condition and put up a hell of a fight before we had them in the net.

We slipped them back in after a few quick snaps. Both pike came within fifteen minutes of each other and it really put a great ending to a super days Piking.
Anthony Greene
Top Tackle
Tel: +353 (0)85 7412767