RIVER DROWES – Monday 13th to Sunday 19th February 2012.

The weather was fairly miserable over the week with wintery showers towards the weekend.  Sunday was a lovely sunny day however and this was understandably the busiest day.  The Drowes had nice water levels all week and on Sunday the gauge was reading around 0.65 metres.  There was a number fresh salmon caught this week and more again hooked and lost. On Wednesday I.Graham recorded a 7½lb salmon caught on a fly from the Upper Mill Pool.  On Friday, Brian McEvoy caught and released a 10lb salmon.  The fish fell for a spinner in the Island Pool.  On Saturday, Matt Ahern reported a 10lb salmon caught on a Rapala from the Washstones (having already hooked and lost 2 salmon earlier in the week).

Lindsey Clarke
email: [email protected]

Make a booking

For info/bookings etc on the Drowes Fishery & Lough Melvin see http://www.drowessalmonfishery.com/ or Tel: 071 9841055 (8am to 12 noon).