04/08/12 Even although we only caught four salmon for the last 4 days of July, it still ended up as the Second Best July since 2003.
The final tally for the month was 153 to 18.1lb. for 185 rod days. This included eight First Ever Salmon and of course, the Biggest Seatrout ever caught at the Lodge.

August kicked off with a 60cm flood on the 1st  – the graph for the Killavullen gauge is above.
The water was very dirty & there was no fishing that day.

Mike Whelan
Mike Whelan

On the 2nd. the clarity improved somewhat, especially on the upper river where it was 2-3 feet, but the water was still very peaty. One grilse was caught on spinner on Woodstream. On the lower river visibility was only 1-1½ feet,  but three rods who only fished for a couple of hours in the evening caught four fish to 13.9lb (pictured above) – all on spinner.
On the morning of the 3rd. there were some heavy showers crossing the upper catchment & more in the afternoon. Six fish to 6.5lb. were caught, the biggest was on fly on the lower river & the other five all came from the upper river of which 3 also fell to fly. The gauge rose during the day from 0.52 to 0.60m by evening.
The upper river peaked @ 09.00 at 2.72 – up 1.20m from the level on August 1. It was falling through the morning & then rose a little again by evening.
Today (4th.) the river was already up to 1.06m by 07.30 & it rose through the day peaking at 1.80m by early evening & just starting to fall once again by dusk.
The clarity was very bad & there was no fishing for the day.
The total so far for August is 11 for just 15 rod days and the total for the season is 298.

No problem for availability of rods & accommodation in the coming weeks.

08/08/12: The Ballyduff gauge peaked in the early hours of this morning at 2.30m. It is already down to 1.90m @ 10.00.
Clarity poor but silty which will drop out quickly. Could be spinnable down river by afternoon  in the few places that fish in this height of water. Similar situation upriver.

Ian & Glenda Powell
Blackwater Lodge & Salmon Fishery
Upper Ballyduff, Co. Waterford.
Tel: 00 353 58 60235     From UK: 0871 474 0135  (10p/min any time!)
Mobile: 00 353 87 235 21 20
E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ireland-salmon-fishing.net