05 March: The water level has dropped further to 0.6 metres on the gauge following a weekend which was much drier than had been forecast.
On Friday, Brian McEvoy had a good day catching and releasing 2 salmon weighing 7 & 8lb from above & below Lennox’s Bridge and there was a mid double hooked on a fly from The Blackwater and lost at the net. Sunday was a bitterly cold day and no fish were reported despite a good turn out of rods.
Today, Monday 2 fish were reported. M. Mc Evoy had a beautiful sea liced fish of 13lbs on prawn from the telegraph pole at Lennox’s and B. Grimes had a sea liced 7lbs fish on a green butt Cascade variant from the Perch Pool.
The forecast for the coming week is for wetter and somewhat colder temperatures at times so water levels in the river will remain good. With the increasing steadily increasing run of salmon, prospects are good.
For info/bookings etc on the Drowes Fishery & Lough Melvin see http://www.drowessalmonfishery.com/ or Tel: +353 (0)71 9841055 (8 am to 12 noon).