Roy Craige, Shean Lodge Fishery reports on fishing conditions on the Owenduff river:

With good conditions and nice water ,week ending 30th June again produced excellent fishing. The total number fish caught was 12 salmon,9 grilse, and 23 seatrout. Without exception all fish were in beautiful condition with salmon up to 11lbs,grise from 3.5 to 6lbs and seatrout up to 3.5lbs. In addition there were an unusual number of fish lost. The seatrout run appears to be the best for many years with several around 3lbs. With weather forecasted to be” broken” for the next week prospects are excellent. There are limited times available—contact 0866075958 or

Shean Lodge Fishery

Tel: +353 (0) 1 6272671

Roy’s mobile : +353 (0) 86 6075958

Ivan’s mobile : +353 (0) 87 2567236