Fishery manager Nigel Rush reports that last week was another great week on Kylemore, with 12 salmon recorded for just 18 rod-days. Water levels were good for the week though at the time of writing, a top up is needed.

Sixteen year old Gabriel Coulter secured his first ever salmon at 5lbs, Lee Bunting visiting from Belfast secured two for his first day fishing Kylemore. Andrew Lynas scored another first Kylemore fish at 2.5lbs. Seamus O’Neil landed 3 fish.

The grilse are starting to show in good numbers and hopefully we will have some sea trout anglers out on the lakes this coming week to prove the good quality of the fish.

To book fishing at Kylemore Abbey, contact Nigel on 095 41178, or mobile 087 9580702, and for latest news check the website at