Fishery manager Jim Stafford reports on fishing for the last 2 weeks of September. The last two weeks of the season were extremely wet with almost 6 inches of rain falling in the catchment during the period. Water levels in the river never dropped below 0.8 meters on the Aasleagh Gauge. Heavy rains on the night of the 29th resulted in a massive spate of 2.42 meters on the last day of the season which rendered the river impossible to fish.
Stuart Woodhead, Scarborough, Yorkshire, released a fish estimated at 7lbs caught on a Cascade in the Horseshoe Pool on Beat 3. Frieder Hompesch, Germany released a fish of 6lbs caught on a Black & Silver in the Yellow Banks on Beat 5. Robert Devriese, Belgium caught one of 6lbs on a Silver Stoat in Island Rock on Beat 8.
Michel Winthrop, France caught one in Nee’s Run on Beat 6. Kevin Attride from the Netherlands caught 2 good sea trout on a Foxford Shrimp and Thunder & Lightning. Graham Dinner, U.K. fishing the Erriff for the first time caught 2 in the Quarry Pool on Beat 2 on an Orange Tube fly. Mary Harkin, Dublin caught 5 in the one day on Beat 5 – with 4 in the Boat Pool and another in Jenkin’s – best fish estimated at 10lbs. Fishing the Erriff for the first time Haum Hoehstra from the Netherlands caught a fish of 13.25 lbs in the Broken Bridge Pool on Beat 5.
Martin Davison, a Mount Falcon rod fishing the Erriff, caught and released a fine double-figure fish taken on a Faughan Shrimp. The following day Martin released another salmon estimated at 6lbs which was caught on a Park Shrimp in Toad’s Pool on Beat 4. Joe McGuigan, N. Ireland, released 2 salmon estimated at 6lbs and 8lbs which were caught on an Ally’s Shrimp in the Gauge Pool on Beat 9. Richard and Hugh Maguire released 2 grilse and 7 sea trout which were caught on a Claret Bumble on Beat 3.
Albert Caffrey’s Party from Athy, Co. Kildare, caught 9 salmon and 26 sea trout for the week – this included 2 salmon for Albert Caffrey, 4 salmon for Donal Chambers and 3 for Michael Vincent – most successful flies were Cascades, Shrimp Flies and Black Pennell.
Total catch for the period was 28 salmon and 44 sea trout of which 12 salmon and all 44 sea trout were released again.
The total for the season was 320 salmon and 284 sea trout, down on 20111 but this was reflected in most fisheries in the country as the grilse run, especially in August and September, was disappointing everywhere.