David Muirin from East Coast Fishing may not have much free time, but when he does he makes the most of it !! He reports:

My free time is very limited recently due to work. Days are shorter now, so long distance afterwork fishing trips are over. But there is always something to be caught just around the corner.
Last week weather brought some rain, chilly air and northerly and northeasterly wind. Sea was too choppy for lrf. This time I decided to fish the pot holes instead 🙂

Nearly every lure drop produced a shanny. Power isome did the job again. Fish were present in every rockpool and hole. From the smallest one and no bigger than a square foot of water I caught fine corkwing wrasse. I had lot of fun until one of the rockpool monsters snapped my finger. Mind those teeth when unhooking 🙂

Smile !!!
Smile !!!

After three stormy days the sea settled a bit, allowing us back to the local pier for a night time lrf session.
Nights are very cold now, so the winter clothing is a must. Temp dropped to +4 deg only. But the sea was alive with first winter species showed up.

Whiting was plentiful but they eluded my lure rod. I had them on my second rod which was set for rockling, baited with mack strip. Only one whiting fell on my friend power isome worm.

My first catch that nite, on lure rod was an alien ;)……….

tap, tap, strike and I landed a huge prawn ! Funny creature. After this the fishing went back to normal- poor cod, pout and scorp were in order

When everything went quiet I put an extra wire trace for my rockling rod and baited it with half mack. dropped it into the nearest hole and… guess what ? I  caught my first ever fine size rockling ! on a half mack ! Fish wasn’t hooked properly and came off the rod before I took photo 🙁
Rebaited-next drop-the same hole-tap,tap and run. I striked and nothing-snag. I put constant tension and started to play with braid like with guitar string. I think I played a full lenght solo Metallica-The unforgiven on my rod, before it moved ! Strong fight and I landed my prize catch- an conger eel 🙂

happy nights!

Compliments of:

David Muirin,

Web: East Coast Fishing Blogspot