More great catches this week from Wicklow. Wicklow Boat Charter’s skipper, Kit Dunne reports on a great weekend even with damning winds. A mixed group of 8 anglers set off on Saturday morning after some poor weather in the days previous, coupled with a forecast of moderate to fresh winds we needed an alternative plan. The forecast gave winds dropping but not till lunch-time, shelter needed to be taken. We headed to one of my proven inshore Tope marks.

Having fished the Ebb tide down to slack water we took just 1 Tope, many dogs and a few gurnards, not great but persistence would prevail. Following the slack water, as tide picked up we baited up big and the fish came on, Tope showed in twos, fighting hard in the shallow waters off the edge of the bank. We didn’t weigh any given the new specimen measuring system, as there is no need to cause such stress to the fish. We landed one fish of 1550mm long and another shortly after at 1560mm, 2 very near specimens. 8 anglers went home very happy after about 12 Tope between them, added to this everyone on-board had the chance to feel the power of these great fighting fish.

Stephen Kelly treated his Father to a day out for tope, and he delivered, both Stephen and his Father landed 2 fine fish. Another visitor on the day was Gavin Loughrey who treated his 2 sons to a day out, they never expected to see so many tope and were delighted to land one each, the 2 boys of 7 and 11years fought a tope in turn and were proud as punch. All in all it was a great success and more importantly showed the options Wicklow has when the weather and winds don’t play ball. More catches of Thornback Ray and Spotted, (Homelyn), Ray were recorded also the weekend.

Kit Dunne
Wicklow Boat Charters,
Telephone: +353 (0)87 6832179 +353 (0)404 67031
Email: [email protected] Website: