Greg Latour of Tir na Spideoga at Inchigeelagh reports on that pike fishing on Lough Allua is going well…
Pike fishing on Lough Allua is going very well at the moment , and yesterday , after a lot of guiding trips , I’ve had the chance to go fishing with my wife Sigi again. Sure enough she caught the 1st pike , weighing 19lbs, with a length of 97 cm.

We caught another 4 pike – 60cm /5lbs. , 91cm /15lbs. , 99cm 18lbs. and the biggest at 22lbs. and 103cm. Most fish fell to a dead roach, presented in 15ft. of water under a dart or sail float , while the 15lbs. pike slammed into a rubber shad .
Greg Latour
Tir na Spideog
Go fishing…
Boats and enigines incl.petrol can be rented at € 35,- a day and no permit is required
Tir na Spideoga, Inchigeelagh,
County Cork, Ireland.
+353 (0)26 47151