Despite the poor conditions and low water conditions, 99 salmon were still caught for the week, even though angling effort was low. Monday yielded 13 salmon, 7 to the prawn and 6 on fly, all ranging from 4-7lbs. A very bright and hot day followed, resulting in just 8 caught, mainly on worm. A further 21 were caught on Wednesday, when conditions were more favourable with the majority again taken on prawn and worm.

The fly and prawn were successful on Thursday, when 16 were landed, nine of those released. Friday saw 13 salmon landed, while eleven were caught on Saturday using all methods. Finally, there were 17 caught on Sunday, again on all methods and throughout the week, a large proportion of those caught were safely released.

Go Fishing…

Salmon fishing is contolled by the Ballisodare Fishing Club. Due to extensive conservation measures by the club and the fisheries board in recent years, there is now a substantial run of spring salmon in the river from April to mid June, and in June – July the peak of its large grilse run is seen.