Simon Ashe reports that August is proving productive for salmon anglers at Ballynahinch…

Nearly 60 salmon have been landed at Ballynahinch so far this August, and we still have 12 days remaining in the month! Not only are we catching (and releasing) large numbers of salmon, those anglers unlucky enough not to catch a fish are in awe at the large stock of salmon; not seen on the Castle Stretch for many years.

Notable catches over the past week include 3 salmon for Stephen Cullinane in a morning from Beat 1, 3 salmon for Phillip Bellamy for his week, 2 for Hugh Mellon from Sna Beg, 2 for Pierre Perret and many singles for anglers including Jim Shipley from the USA, Ollie McNally, Hugh Hardiman, Ann Corcoran, Tom McManus and William Hamilton. The average size for the week is in the region of 5.5lbs with the largest fish of 8lbs taken by Philip Bellamy.

Simon Ashe
Ballynahinch Castle Hotel
Recess, Connemara,
Co. Galway, Ireland

Go fishing…

The Ballynahinch Catchment drains an area of 68 square miles and is a diverse system of interconnected loughs and rivers, drained by the Ballynahinch River and offering the very best of fly fishing in Ireland. This majestic river, with fishing rights owned exclusively by the Ballynahinch Estate, winds its way underneath the Castle for three kilometres until it reaches the wild Atlantic Ocean at Bertraghboy Bay,Connemara Ireland. All salmon and sea trout entering this magnificent system must swim up this river through the Ballynahinch Castle Hotel Estate giving Ballynahinch its world-renowned reputation as a famous salmon and sea trout fishery.

To book fishing contact the castle at 095 31006, or check