Shane Gallagher reports from the River Drowes…

18/04 Jonny Ciconte had an 11.5lbs salmonfrom the Grazings on Rapala today.  A further fish was reported on fly from the Island Pool this evening. The water level is starting to level out at just above 0.6 metres on the gauge at the Four Masters’ Bridge. 3 salmon were taken this morning. Stephen Hoper and Stuart Morgan caught their salmon from Kelly’s Ground and the Wash Stones Respectively, both on prawn. French Angler David Capron caught a salmon at The Eel Weir On Worm this morning.

French Angler David Capron With His Fish From The Eel Weir On Worm This Morning.
French Angler David Capron With His Fish From The Eel Weir On Worm This Morning.
Stephen Hoper and Stuart Morgan With Their Fish Today, From Kelly's Ground and the Wash Stones Respectively, Both on Prawn.
Stephen Hoper and Stuart Morgan With Their Fish Today, From Kelly's Ground and the Wash Stones Respectively, Both on Prawn.

17/04 The long, cold, dry conditions of the past couple of months have at last given way to more seasonal milder and wetter weather. We have had our first rise in water levels since the 21st of March, which itself was the first rise since the 14th of February. The water level is now at 0.45 metres and will probably creep towards 0.5 metres by evening. There has been a remarkable spike in temperatures with water temperature now at 7.75c and air temperature at 14 Celsius.
The low water levels and strong winds made for difficult conditions and angling effort has been pretty light. Some fish have been reported however, including B. Amlung who had a 9lbs fish on rapalla from the Sand Hole last Tuesday and another on fly the day after, W. Zoll, who had an 8lbs fish on spinner from the Meadow on Sunday, S. Carty, who released a fish estimated at 10lbs from Corry on Monday and P. Zahnd who had a 12lbs fish on rapalla from the Blackwater this morning.

More rain is forecast for the northwest later tonight and for Saturday and Sunday night and again for Wednesday of next week. The fresh water together with the rise in temperatures should see the first improvement in prospects for some time.

Luxembourg Angler Bob Amlung With His 9lbs Fish From The Sand Hole On Tuesday 9th April.
Luxembourg Angler Bob Amlung With His 9lbs Fish From The Sand Hole On Tuesday 9th April.
Swiss Angler Paddy Zahnd With His 12lbs Fish From The Blackwater This Morning.
Swiss Angler Paddy Zahnd With His 12lbs Fish From The Blackwater This Morning.
Seanie Carty Released This Fish From Corry On Monday 15th April.
Seanie Carty Released This Fish From Corry On Monday 15th April.

Shane Gallagher
Drowes Salmon Fishery
T: +353 (0) 71 98 41055
M: +353 (0) 87 8050806

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For info/bookings etc on the Drowes Fishery & Lough Melvin see or Tel: 071 9841055 (8am to 12 noon).