Fishery manager Terry Gallagher reports that the first salmon of the season, a fine springer of 12lbs, was landed by Geoffrey Fitzjohn while fishing River Beat 1. The fish was taken on a Black Shrimp fly in relatively low water conditions. Jacob Finkelsson landed the first sea trout of the season, a fish of approx.. 15 inches, in the sea pools of River Beat 1.

Terry says that 2012 ended on a high note at Costello and Fermoyle Fisheries, with a total of 71 salmon landed, considering the relatively low rod pressure for the season.  The sea trout run for the year was below average for the fishery and this was reflected in the rod catch, with only 614 fish landed. Again, rod pressure was down but hopefully 2013 will see runs of fish returning to normal levels.

It is early days yet at Costello but we should expect to see a few more springers in the coming weeks before the main run of fish begin to appear from June onwards.

To book fishing, contact Terry at 00353 (0)91 572 196, on mobile at  087 2399988, or by email at [email protected]