Ian Powell of Blackwater Lodge reports…

Gavin O’Shea, one our syndicate rods from Cork,  caught and released the Lodge’s first fly caught salmon for this season. He estimated the fish at ~12lb. Gavin took the fish on a #8 Cascade of his own tying on a Loop Quattro Tip line (Fast tip).

After lunch, another of our syndicate rods Terry O’Keeffe from Midleton fished at Kilmurry. At 4.00 o’clock I had a call from him to say he too had a springer on fly after only an hour fishing. I grabbed the camera & headed for the scene of the crime – the Hut Pool on Upper Kilmurry. Duly photographed, I brought the fish back to the Lodge where it tipped the scales at 10.3lb. His fish also fell to a fly of his own tying  fished on a Sink 1/2 Loop Custom Shooting head made by Glenda.

10lb salmon blackwater
Terry O'Keeffe's cracking 10 pounder taken at the Hut Pool on Upper Kilmurry.

Both fish were extremely fresh but neither had sea-lice which could well mean that fish are moving through only very slowly and that there are probably a reasonable number about. Looks very very promising for the Paddy’s Day weekend.
Ian Powell
Blackwater Lodge

Make a booking

Blackwater Lodge & Salmon Fishery
Upper Ballyduff, Co. Waterford.
Tel: 00 353 58 60235     From UK: 0871 474 0135  (10p/min any time!)
Mobile: 00 353 87 235 21 20
E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ireland-salmon-fishing.net

Fishing Syndication: We initiated a very limited syndicate scheme in 2010. This was extended further in 2011 with membership for either the full season or just the first 4 months. This scheme will continue for 2012, providing an enticing opportunity for those who are able to fish the Blackwater more often. More details on this can be found on this link – Syndication

FREE casting workshop open day on Saturday, April 20th.

which will include a FREE afternoon’s fishing on Blackwater Lodge beats.

The event will commence at 9.30am – meeting at Blackwater Lodge.  The casting demos and workshop will be held at Kilmurry by Glenda Powell (APGAI-Ireland Advanced Qualified Guide for Double Handed and Single Handed and former World Champion) and Conor Arnold (APGAI-Ireland qualified instructor and Guide).

All casts for single and double handed rods will be covered (including individual fault analysis) for Single & Double Spey Casting, Snake Rolls (with short and long bellied lines), Underhand style casting using Shooting heads, Skagit systems & Snap T’s. Line building workshops will take place during the day.

We will also be showcasing the new Loop Cross S1 range for trial (http://www.looptackle.se/website1/, showing off the Sonik Tackle range and will also have a Tackle Sale including lines and ex-demo rods & reels. (Rod on sale starting from €50!!).