Lindsey Clarke reports that the Drowes rose following rains last week and a few grilse were taken…

The river was fairly low again this week but started to rise over the weekend due to heavy rain on Sunday and is now reading 0.48 metres on the gauge at the Four Masters Bridge. The feeder streams feeding into Lough Melvin are in flood at present so the river will continue to rise as Lough Melvin ‘fills up’ after the long spell of low water. The river was fairly quiet although there were a few visiting rods fishing over the week.

Consequently there were a few grilse caught at the weekend. Two visiting French rods recorded a grilse apiece on Saturday weighing around 4½lb. On Sunday Gary Morrow reported 3 grilse weighing between 4 & 5lb caught on shrimp with 2 of these released again. As stated, the Drowes should rise over the week and it will be interesting to see what attendance and catches the better water levels will generate over the week at this late stage of the season.

Lindsey Clarke
email: [email protected]

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