From his blog at ghillie Vincent Appleby gives us an update on the week’s fishing on Lough Currane

11/11/2013: Mr. Enrico Fantasia of Italy, caught 6 Sea Trout while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of and just for the record their Sea Trout were all returned. Now to the hired out boat department of Waterville Boats and at [email protected] Mr. Michael O’Sullivan was telling me that one of his boats caught 3 Juniors. Now we head up stream to the upper lakes and Lough Derriana. Mr. Jeremy O’Connor, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea of caught 2 Juniors. Wind NE light with bright sunshine.

Avril takes out the winning ticket
Avril takes out the winning ticket

12/11/2013: The Waterville Fishery ended on a high note in the fly department and the boozing and partying department. So on that note we will head out onto Lough Currane and the C&R hired out boat department of Mr. DJ Riordan and his good friend, caught 26 Sea Trout to their boat. Also in good form in Franks hired out department was Mr. John McKinsey. who Caught 6 Sea Trout. Staying in the hired out boat department, Mr. Boot and party caught 7 Sea Trout. Now we cut across the Lake to the North Side and the Bungalow, Italian angler Mr. Enrico Fantasia fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of caught 8 Sea Trout, ranging from Juniors up to 2 ½ lbs. and all returned. Staying with the Bungalow, Mr. Niall Sayers and Mr. Richard Amy caught a fine Salmon and 12 Sea trout in the Junior Class and in the afternoon Niall’s Dad, Jim, teamed up with them and caught 8 Juniors to his rod and they also caught a fine Brown Trout in the 1 lbs class. Now we go down the North shore, Mr. Phil Staniforth, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of caught 12 Sea Trout, ranging from Juniors up to 2 lbs.

Kevin O'Sullivan, Avril and the Chairmen Mr. Michael Roden of the W.F.D.G. with the winning ticket
Kevin O’Sullivan, Avril and the Chairmen Mr. Michael Roden of the W.F.D.G. with the winning ticket

Now we head upstream and to the upper lakes and Lough Namona Mr. Jeremy O’Connor fishing with his Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea of caught and released a fine Sea Trout in the 2 lbs class. Now to the end of season W.F.D.G. 2000 Euro draw, which was held in the Lobster and was won by Mr. Liam Boland of Cork and his winning ticket was pulled out of the Box by Avril of the Lobster Bar. Now we head up to the Waterville Inn and to the giving out of the Waterville Inn’s Salmon and Sea Trout Cups and the in the Salmon Department, Local and renowned Gillie Mr. Mike Dwyer won the Paddy Carey Cup for catching the first Salmon in 2013 and the jolly Swagman Sea trout Cup was won by Mr. Paul Lawton of Cork for catching and releasing a massive Sea Trout in the 14 lbs class and of course not forgetting Paul’s Gillie Mr. Liam Ellis of Waterville, and a big thanks to their video man Mr. Peter Muldoon of Cork for catching it all on video and staying with Paul playing his Sea Trout, I would like to thank Technology Kerry of for editing the video all into one film it was first class and every one in the Waterville Inn were impressed and last but not least on behalf of all the anglers I would like to thank the Landlord Mr. Damien Duff and his good wife Sally and all their staff for a great end of season party. I would also like to say thank you to all the team at the Inland fisheries Ireland and of  for all their help this past season as they always do. On a personal note I would like to thank you all the readers and anglers for sending your photos and for sending your own notes in, all I can say please keep it up because this site is your site and I look forward to reporting to you all in 2014 just one bit of news I will be keeping you updated with the hatchery and all the news in the closed season so keep watching this space.

Damian presents the Paddy Carey Cup to Mike Dwyer
Damien presents the Paddy Carey Cup to Mike Dwyer
Damian  gives the Jolly Swagmen Sea Trout Cup to Paul Lawton
Damien gives the Jolly Swagmen Sea Trout Cup to Paul Lawton


No Spin No Fly’s just facts.

Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge
Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0) 87 207 4882
E-mail[email protected]