Superb weather and great fishing was the order of the day at the Cork Harbour Light Lines series which opened on Sunday. 30 anglers took part from all over Ireland. Four charterboats were available and waiting at Cobh’s Kennedy Pier, John Boy, Lagosta II, Lee Star, and Naomh Cartha.
Luck was with the John Boy, Lee Star and Naomh Cartha and they had good catches of whiting in 70 foot of water. However the Lagosta was in shallower water and didn’t have the same success. A smart move by skipper Alan Kennedy changed all that. Alan brought the Lagosta to a channel mark just off the Turbot Bank, then the whiting appeared in twos and threes with some cracking fish over the 2lb mark.
The total number of fish caught were 2965, giving an average of 99 fish per angler. These were made up of 2375 whiting, 504 dabs, 4 grey gurnard, 2 tub gurnard, 1 cod, 1 pouting, 18 poor cod, 6 plaice, 8 flounder, and 46 scad.
Read all the results on ‘1st of the Winter Season‘
Courtesy of Cork Harbour Angling Hub