Donal Kennedy, Skipper of Leah out of Enniscrone reports that on Sat 25th May a party of anglers from Drogheda set out from Killala Harbour for a days fishing in the Bay…

I was long awaited by the party  who had previous days cancelled due to bad weather. The weather was not too bad , winds were moderate SW with overcast skys and rain due later. The anglers were not deterred by this and were not disappointed with the fishing which got better hour by hour, even though we finished up with more pouring rain as you can see from the photo.

A wet day on board LEAH
A wet day on board LEAH

6 fine cod were caught the best up to 8lbs. We hit a shoal of coalfish , many fine ones were landed up to 5lbs in weight. With 3 to 4 coming in at a time is was a busy time for the anglers. Up to 60 were landed and many more were put back alive. The next drift produced some fine ling and pouting. The best ling being up to 8lbs in weight. Mackerel were in plentiful supply with fine big ones being caught. Another bonus was the appearance of herring with about 30 being caught to the surprise of the anglers.

Rain poured down till the end of the day and the anglers returned to harbour approx 5pm happy with their days fishing and the joy of having just got out and got fishing.
Donal Kennedy

Go fishing…

Leah is a 36′ Ocean Tramp powered by 180 HP Turbo Ford
Base: Enniscrone Operational area: P5. From Enniscrone and Killala within a 30 mile radius.
Reef, shark wreck and general deep sea fishing.
‘Atlantic Mist’, Enniscrone, Co. Sligo.
Telephone: +353 96 36644 or +353 86 8174509 Fax: +353 96 37731
Email: [email protected] Web: