Patrick O’Shea from the Cork Harbout Angling Hub reports that charter skipper Gerry Keohane, of the Naomh Cartha, availed of the good weather of last week and got his anglers on to some cracking pollack fishing. The biggest pollack of the day was a lovely specimen fish of 15lbs. Pollack this much over specimen size are few and far between and even to get a 12lb pollack these days is a rarity.

Well done Gerry!!!
Go fishing…
Naomh Carta is an Interceptor 38 and has a 420hp Caterpillar engine. She is fully licensed and insured for 12 anglers and operates all year round from Crosshaven (weather permitting).
Also available is a mini bus (Dinny 087-9670200) that can pick up from any part of the Cork city.
If you’d like to book the Naomh Cartha for a day’s fishing you can contact Gerry at 00-353-87-2589448.
Skipper: Ger Keoghane +353214301027.
Courtesy of the Cork Harbour Angling Hub