Terry Jackson is out in search of ‘Rutilus rutilus‘ – that’s Roach to you and me. As he says “When it comes to Roach fishing in Ireland, anglers are quite literally spoilt for choice. Roach are present in almost every wild, natural system; such is the versatility of this fresh water species. The biggest problem is actually differentiating between Roach and their hybrids.”
On this occasion Terry enjoys several hours of very successful float fishing on a small lough before moving a few miles further on to a place well known for much larger specimens. Here he was delighted to land a 2 lbs and 14 oz fish which is just three ounces under the current record.
Roach have such a varied diet that they will readily accept a huge variety of bait presented by the angler. Terry goes on to give us his recipes to coax these fighters out of the water as well as tactics and interesting facts. Read more on ‘In search of Roach‘

Terry Jackson.
Angling Ireland
Web: Angling Ireland