Roach, skimmers, hybrids and perch, pegs occupied with anglers from as far afield as South East Asia, judges busy and fish jumping. Loughs Erne, Garadice, Brackley and Burneky are a hive of activity. What a great show case for angling in Cavan and Fermanagh. The World Pairs draws people from all over and its peg against peg for the prestigious prizes. The glorious sunshine and flat calm conditions make fishing difficult; nonetheless these experienced anglers have their tactics. At the time of writing Adam Wakelin and Rob Wootton (UK) are in the lead for both the Pairs title and the Daiwa Cup. Worm and red maggot hookbait are doing their bit to draw the fish. We wish all participants the best of luck.
The sunshine did little for the salmon fishing this week too with Delphi and the Drowes finding it hard as the water levels are low. The Moy suffered as well but Mount Falcon recorded 9 salmon (5 released) over just two days fishing using spinner & worm. Drumcliff River, Drumcar and Garavogue all reported a few salmon being caught. A small rise last week saw some fresh fish enter the system on the Laune. These didn’t give up easy and were difficult to catch. Noel Hickey did manage a 7lb fresh sea liced fish at Johnston’s while young Sinead Downes got her first fish on worm in four years.
The Munster Blackwater has been particularly quiet recently but Rob Green from the UK caught and released a super 10lb salmon on Kent’s beat at the lower river. This fish is our ‘Catch of the Week’ winner. Rob also caught two further fish on the same day which he released. With high tides forecasted for today and tomorrow hopefully more fish will move up into the main river.

The women out fished the men in Kerry. With both Jennifer Lane and Eva Lane catching nice fish on the Currane. Overall the sea trout department did better than the noble salmon department. Again anglers found the bright sunshine a hindrance and wished for a little bit of cloud cover.
An autumnal feel at Cashel Trout Fishery in Dungiven was very welcome. Daniel Reilly bagged three rainbow trout weighing 8lb 9ozs which took a bloodworm. Last Sunday saw the Lough Owel fly fishing competition. Mick McCormack was the overall winner and it was a rainbow of 1.975kg (4.35 lbs) that stole the show. Lough Melvin saw little action and very few anglers out and life progressed at a snail’s pace on Lough Conn. However US anglers Jack Kerry & Brian Suggeon got three trout on wet flies on North Conn (best at 3lbs) and three anglers from Kildare, had a total of eleven trout around Glass Island, best at 2 lbs.
A young gentleman with his mind set on perch paid Blessington in Co. Wicklow a visit with his Dad. Andy Teticu fished with an 8m long pole “to hand” using maggots/worm as hookbaits with dark Sensas groundbait laced with chopped worms and dead maggots. This little master angler managed to catch a few nice perch; one brown trout and a few big roach over 1 lb. Good man Andy, that’s one way to work up an appetite!
The annual Arva Fishing Festival 2014 took place last week and Neil Parkinson walked away as winner with a weight of 91.720kg. Good bags of Roach, Hybrids and Skimmer Bream were had. Anglers at Melview had success too when they prebaited a few venues. Manager Kevin Lyons reported good catches of Roach and Hybrids with the Bream and Tench eventually showing up.
A flat calm Lough Ennel saw little stirring but a variety of colourful lures tempted some good pike for those willing to put in the effort. Belgium angler Ivo Flipkens stayed at Melview Lodge where the week went very well. The party caught around 80 pike up to 1.2 along with a number of smaller males.
Sea angling certainly fared better this week with the weather conditions not affecting them as much. Cork Harbour had anglers from Switzerland, Holland, Germany and the UK. All were very pleased with their catch. Some cracking sharks were boated along with Thornback Ray, Bass, Flounder, Ling, Spotted Ray, Pollock, Cod and Conger. Wicklow too had a great variety of fish caught. While over in West Clare Bill Ryan enjoyed catching some fine specimen wrasse and a serious looking trigger fish.
Tralee Bay SAC reported that the fishing was rather poor at the Cappaclough Competition but the conversations were mighty and the craic alone would bring anglers back for more. Father and son David and Chris O’Sullivan pulled in a total of 20 fish between them taking the senior and junior title.
Inland Fisheries Ireland has prohibited angling at the ‘hotwater’ stretch in Lanesborough, Co. Longford. This emergency response it due to the confirmation of the presence of Asian Clam, Corbilcula fluminea, downstream of the ESB powerplant at the top of Lough Ree. Anglers must be aware of the dangers posed to other waters. Asian clam can spread on fishing equipment such as keep nets, landing nets, boats, rods and clothing. The fishery will reopen at the earliest opportunity once bio-security measures for anglers can be introduced. These measures will include disinfection facilities for all angling equipment.
The weather for the next few days is perhaps a little drizzle on southern and southwestern coasts, Friday night will continue dry with clear spells and light, easterly breezes; however, fog patches are likely to form inland. Fog will duly disperse on Saturday morning and any drizzle in the south and southwest will clear, leaving it dry for the day with sunny spells in most areas. Winds will be light to moderate, easterly and it will be warm generally.
On Sunday and Monday, generally dry conditions will persist countrywide. However, both days may be cloudier overall, with moderate easterly winds prevailing. As a result, temperatures will return to normal values for mid-September and exposed eastern coasts will be noticeably cooler.
Through to the middle of next week, easterly breezes will prevail and temperatures will be around normal, although western areas will be consistently rather mild. Sunshine will be less reliable on these days but mainly dry conditions will persist, apart from perhaps some light showers in places.
Safe fishing and tight lines especially here in Ireland.
Nancy Hearne
Catch, Photo, Release
If you have an angling story to share with the Irish Angling Update please send it to [email protected].
Salmon fishing reports
- Sligo anglers did well on Drumcliff River and Glencar Lake
- Success for a few anglers on the Garavogue River
- Things slow on the Moy but Mount Falcon does well
- The sea trout department does well at Currane
- Low water conditions impact seriously on grilse fishing at Drowes
- Put your feet up the fish are in no hurry at Delphi
- Fresh sea liced fish a treat after a small rise last week on the Laune
- 65 years of experience on the Mulkear beat this grilse
- Owenea back to low water conditions, fishing quiet
- Spring tides bring fresh salmon to Drowes but fishing dour
- Still a few salmon taking despite low water on Munster Blackwater with one winning our ‘Catch of the Week
Trout fishing reports
- Francis White wins Lough Arrow Competiton
- Life in the slow lane for anglers at Lough Conn
- Lough fishes well for the Clonhugh Cup
- Anglers find trout at Melvin on a go slow
- Busy trout action at Cashel Trout Fishery
Sea angling reports
- Father and son outfish competitors at Cappaclough Competition
- Bill has his finger on the trigger with cracking specimen wrasse in West Clare
- Great sport at the 48th Cobh International Sea Angling Festival
- Night Silver on a Kerry beach
- Ballan bonanza for kayak angler on Galway Bay
- Fish of all shape and sizes for Wicklow Boat Charters
- Great fishing around Cork Harbour for small boat anglers
- Huss, Pollack and Mackerel for happy Galway anglers
- Float fished mackerel does the trick for Wexford guide
- Cracking bass and pollack make up the gold and silver at Courtmacsherry
Coarse angling reports
- Anglers reap the rewards for their efforts at Melview Lodge
- The first 3 days of Peg to peg battle at the World Pairs
- Arva five day festival fishes well with plenty of beautiful hybrids, tench and roach
- Perch on pole at Blessington
- Junior anglers out in force at New Ross Fishery
Pike fishing reports
News clippings
- Lough Derg Gets Its Own Dedicated Tourism Website – Afloat .ie
- Reminder to skippers that bluefin tuna recreational fishery will be closed for the rest of the year, Irish Times
- Angling ambition at Roughan Lough, Mid-Ulster Mail
- Boat gang strikes in dead of night – Irish Independent
Other news