The NCFFI through member clubs continues to work towards more venue development across the island. The Clones Erne East Blackwater (CEEB) project is a cross border project lead by Monaghan County Council and comprising of Fermanagh District Council, Clones Town Council, Blackwater Regional Partnership and Clones Development Society.
With the help of Inland Fisheries, Clones Coarse Anglers Club, Erne Anglers AC, DCAL Fisheries and the National Coarse Fishing Federation of Ireland the project will oversee the upgrading of the angling infrastructure at several lakes in the Clones Urban and Erne East (Fermanagh) areas. The project will provide new stands to venues old and new, including some disabled platforms increasing accessibility to the local community and visiting angler.
The Clones Erne East area encapsulates some really good wild fishing venues for both the pleasure and match angler. It is fortunate to be part of the Erne catchment and Dromore system and includes the Finn River.
Venues included in this project are listed below but there are many more fishing venues in this area;
Clones Urban – ‘Horseshoe’ Kilroosky Lake, Summerhill Lake, Dummy’s Lake, ‘McCabes’ Burdautien Lake, Drum Lake and Tirnahinch Lake.
Erne East – Lough Nayre, Lough Lea, Killyfole Lough, Lough Barry and ‘Gavins’ Lough Unshinagh
See for more information or visit their facebook page at