Caoimhghin Phelan tackled Lough Derg last month with great results – pike to 18lb on fly and over 20 on bait. Caoimhghin picks up the story…
The day started off fairly quiet, got onto the mighty Lough Derg with my younger brother Gearóid at around 9am, Sunday morning (December 8th). Into a secret corner I know (and will take to the grave with me)! Still as a sheet of glass it was. We approached it with three deadbait rods and a 9’6″ 10 weight pike fly rod between us. I had a dead smelt out the back of my 12′ tinny and was working the fly (my own tie) in around 10′ of water. Next thing I know I was into an 18.5lb Esox. She was an angry fish! I played her out in around 10 minutes, netted her, weighed her, took a picture and back she went like a shot. Perfect fish. Personal best for me on the fly.
Maybe half an hour passed of casting the fly when all of a sudden I hear that heart-stopping click click click noise as it began to increase its tempo. My deadbait rod!! No sign of the float on the water so Struck into it. Another lovely Esox of 16lb, netted, weighed and photo’d again and away she swam.
We moved the boat to another spot – a bit deeper here. Maybe another fifteen mins pass when- click…….. click……. click.. click.. clickclickclickclickclick!!! A huge fish of 22lb was in the boat being weighed before we knew it! We couldn’t believe it! This time on a mackrel tail. Again, unhooked quickly and safely and on her way she was in a matter of minutes!
My brother picked up the pike fly rod and had a few casts until- BANG! Into a lovely fish of around 7lb, his PB on fly!
As I was attempting to net her along came that all-too-farmiliar sound again from behind me- click……. click…… clickclickclickclick so I struck into it……. Gone! So started to reel the bait in for a check, but I couldn’t feel resistance from the bait/float/weight etc…. Wait a second, this fish is coming towards the boat!!! I started to reel as fast as I could but couldn’t match her pace, still unaware of the fish’s size. Until she turned. Until she feckin turned!!!
She started tearing across the lake, pulling the anchored boat with her in the process. I looked at my brother, but I didn’t have to say anything. He knew from the expression of fear and excitement in my face. This is a donkey of a fish!
After around 5 huge runs she began to run out of steam so with a few attempts, we had her weighed and photographed. 26.5lb!! My PB to date.
The wind picked up a small bit so the fly rod had to take a rest for awhile. Sitting there trying to relax the nerves after all the drama when- click………click! Landed another lovely 15lb Pike!!! Then my brother lands a nice 10lb, his PB!!
Its going to be very hard for me to top that days fishing, but trust me, I will try!!!!!!
Caoimhghin Phelan
It’s not over yet…
Caoimhghin returned to the lake in January and though they didn’t get another half dozen double they did mannage 2 more over 20 – Read about it here: Super pike fishing on Lough Derg last weekend