The Gweebarra River opened on the 1st of April but we didn’t get a decent spate until last Thursday the 3rd.

My Father, Dermot Mc Laughlin landed the first fish of the season on a yellow silver bullet flying C. The fish weighed slightly over 7 lbs and was taken from the famous Mayo pool.

Dermot Mc Laughlin with his grandsons and the first fish from the Gweebarra Salmon Fishery
Dermot Mc Laughlin with his grandsons and the first fish from the Gweebarra Salmon Fishery

No fish have been reported since but the next spate should herald the start of the main spring run.

Fishery permits are available from the village shop in Doochary and for more fishery information please contact the IFI Office in Glenties on 0749551141.

For an experienced guiding service, please contact Michael on 0868860876

John Mc Laughlin

Lough Swilly Angling Centre/ Donegal Angling

Phone : 087 292988 or Email: [email protected]

and Facebook/Lough Swilly