A belated report which should have been included in last week’s rather full report! The first fish was taken on the Erriff on Saturday the 10th, a nice salmon of 7.5lbs which was land by Eoin Bresnihan from Oughterard, fishing a “Yabby” fly in the Garden Pool on Beat 9.

The second fish swiftly followed the following day, with Niall Wickham from Drogheda landing a nice 8.5lbs fish in high water from the Broken Bridge Pool on Beat 5. The fish was taken on a 2” copper tube fly.

With plenty of rainfall the river is in good order, and should see a decent run of spring fish over the next few weeks, traditionally yhe best period for spring fish on the Erriff, overlapping with the first grilse. To book fishing or accommodation, contact Jim Stafford at 095 42252, email [email protected] or check www.aasleaghlodge.ie