Paul Hanley went down to fish the Laune last Friday. The water was too high so he went on to the meeting of the waters to see if there was anything there. There was. More water.

The Laune Salmon and Trout Anglers Association were reporting that the river was up above 4 feet on the gauge at Johnston’s the day before (Thursday, 30/01). and they predicted that it would probably rise again over weekend, but Paul is a determined angler.

Looking up towards Beat 1 from the bridge

And things were not so bad that he was not going to have a cast. At the Meeting of the Waters Paul fished for a short while. Perhaps unsurprisingly he had no luck, not even a pull from a hungry kelt.

The Meeting of the Waters

The Laune anglers have the following advice for anyone considering a trip to the Kingdom: With the current tides  fish will be running the system but it will be difficult to fish for one.  The Laune will need a settled period to bring it into good fishing fettle. Once the level comes down to 3 feet or so there could be a good chance of a springer.

Photos courtesy of Paul Hanley – for more pics from last Friday see

All about the River Laune… ‘Water Level’

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