So far there has been a very positive reaction to the international survey being undertaken by Australian researcher Craig Copeland. Ireland has provided over 200 responses so far but the more points of view he has to work with the better his study on anglers opinions of the importance of habitat  will be. So please take a few minutes to take part in this initiative and have your say…
And everyone who takes part is in the draw for some great prizes.

Alternating deflectors on a drained stretch of the Owengarve
Alternating deflectors and bankside fencing on a drained stretch of the Owengarve

All about the survey

Great fishing is about the prospect of lots of quality fish while spending time enjoying the outdoors. Quality fish come from healthy populations enjoying good water, plenty of food and access to habitat. When we have dams, denuded riverbanks, culverts, dredged gravel beds and poor water quality we don’t have healthy fish and we certainly don’t have great fishing experiences.
That is why Inland Fisheries Ireland is working to improve fish habitats. It’s a simple equation: the more quality fish habitat, the more quality fishing you will be able to enjoy.
Improving fish habitats involves all of us and we need your help. To improve what we do, we would like to know more about you, what you know and what you think about habitat.
We are taking part in an international survey with counterparts in the USA, UK and Australia. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes and is available by clicking here.
All the information is anonymous and not related to your email address. We are pleased to offer prizes:

  1. €300 tackle voucher
  2. 10 IFI measuring mats
  3. 10 copies of Brown Trout in Ireland
  4. 10 copies of Channels and Challenges

There’s a link at the end of the survey that takes you a separate, unlinked page where you can enter the draw for these great prizes.
Thanks for helping making our fishing better!