John Mc Laughlin, Lough Swilly reports:
Milford & District Fly Angling Club:
The Milford & District Fly Angling Club is now taking applications for membership for the 2014 season. Current club memberships are now also due for renewal.
Appication forms are available from the IRD offfice in Milford or here at the Lough Swilly Angling Centre.
The new brown trout angling season opened on the 15th of February but the weather conditions have kept away even the hardiest anglers so far. If we get some normal spring weather, the lough should start producing good sport in the next week or two.
The Milford Club would also like to inform all members and indeed visitors that under IFI legislation, Angling on Lough Fern and the entire Lennon system may only be done by single barbless hook with bait fishing strictly prohibited !
In the interest of conservation of the very precious wild brown trout, the Milford club would like to ask anglers to only retain a maximum of 2 brown trout over 11” per day on Lough Fern.
Lough Na Tooey Rainbow Trout Fishery:
The fishery is open for angling from 9 am until dusk
Permits and boat hire are available from Laffertys’ filling Station in Creeslough and for more fishery information, please contact Gerry on 087 0550806
John Mc Laughlin
Lough Swilly Angling Centre/ Donegal Angling
Phone : 087 292988 or Email: [email protected]
and Facebook/Lough Swilly