Armagh Angler Stephen McGarvey was the envy of every pike anlger in the country this weekend when he landed a 32lb 2oz beast of a fish. Stephen reports:
“After hours and hours of piking over the years, 1000,s miles driven, stupid o clock starts! I had one epic pike trip that made it all worth wile, a new PB and just entered the 30lb club, with a monster at 32lb 2oz, the fight and seeing the size of the fish go into the net was just heart stopping! Still shocked”
Go fishing…
The Irish Federation of Pike Angling Clubs (IFPAC) is a body representing pike anglers in Ireland, North and South.The IFPAC was founded on 17th January 1988 at a meeting held at the Ardboyne Hotel, Navan. The membership for that year stood at fifteen clubs representing six hundred anglers, today membership of IFPAC is approaching 100 affiliated clubs representing in excess of seven thousand anglers from all walks of life.