December begins and the rain continues. Rivers are in flood and most anglers had to contend with staying at home this week. The only ones to see a bit of sunshine were our gallant World Shore team who had an early Christmas present in Portugal. They secured a bronze medal at the 32nd World Shore Angling Championships. A fantastic performance which showed the calibre of Irish angling….
Toughing it out on a miserable day in Athy were a group of anglers from the Killinarden Angling Initiative. These future stars covered up well and enjoyed the fun. Roach, dace and perch made up the catches. Pike stayed well deep and showed no interest. To these young anglers we give ‘Catch of the Week’ – a group effort with great determination. Up at Monaghan on Lough Namachree the Go & Catch feeder team battled the storm. The biggest fish on the day was a 0.7kg roach caught by Lauras Lauras.

Earlier in the week at Lough Derravaragh, tourists from Poland, Latvia and Lithuania enjoyed some unusual high temperatures and had some nice catches of both perch and pike. This Sunday sees the Weir Cup or Christmas Pike Competition being fished on the lake. Fishing is from 11am to 4pm from Donore.
The 8th independent qualifying competition of the 2015/16 National Pike Championships will be held on Sunday too on a lake near Killeshandra. While on Saturday the Angling Council of Ireland encourages everyone to get involved as they hold their ‘Introduction to coaching’ at Greystones Harbour Marina, Wicklow.
Rainbows brightened the day at Ardaire Springs in Mooncoin, Kilkenny. John Morrissey brought a bit of colour to the bank with a fine 13lb trout. With a number of put and take fisheries dotted around the country, it gives a great opportunity to bring a novice angler out for a bit of practice and show him/her the ropes. Who knows, your apprentice might surpass you some day !
Sea angling was understandably very quiet this week, with storm Clodagh showing her power. At the moment a status orange warning has been put in place as forecasters predicted we’ll be lashed by up to 35mm of rain on the east coast. Strong gales will develop on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.
The National Strategy for Angling Development (NSAD) was launched by Joe McHugh TD, Minister with responsibility for Natural Resources last Monday. The NSAD, prepared by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI), is the first comprehensive national framework for the development of our angling resource. It is intended that the strategy will deliver a wide-ranging set of investments, innovations and promotions over the coming years. This will ensure that our fish stocks and angling infrastructure are protected and enhanced for both their economic value and their recreational benefit to the communities and visitors they serve across Ireland. Further details and how to make a submission are available on our website at
Safe fishing to all and tight lines, especially here in Ireland.
Nancy Hearne
Catch, Photo, Release
If you have an angling story to share with the Irish Angling Update please send it to [email protected].
Coarse angling reports
- Hardy crew from Killinarden catch the fish
- Go & Catch feeder team fish in tough conditions in Co. Monaghan
Pike fishing reports
Sea angling reports
Trout fishing reports
News clippings
- Conference told Irish Salmon stocks resilient and well managed – Irish Times
- Satellite Tags Deployed on Bass in Ireland –
- Fishermen Called To Collaborate On Scientific Fishery To Explore Eel Challenges –
Other news
- Inland Fisheries Ireland launches public consultation on National Strategy for Angling Development
- Novel satellite tags deployed on bass in Ireland
- Greenways Munster CAC closed and South Munster CAC Winter League on Sunday Dec 6th
- National Pike Championships qualifier on Sunday December 6th