Fishing this week was quiet like the weather. Calm and frosty conditions were the order of the day on the Currane, with Sunday’s anglers needing a bit of central heating to keep their enthusiasm going. Even a small gorse fire on the side of the Kerry mountain didn’t warm their hearts as they all searched for the noble salmon. The only bit of action reported this week was the catching of a couple of kelts.
Up the country, the Drowes ran at a nice level but water conditions were cold at 5°C. No salmon were recorded but a fresh salmon was hooked and lost on Sunday. Melvin on the other hand saw its first salmon of the season go to Niall Sweeney weighing 9lb 9oz and caught off Bilberry Island.
The Munster Blackwater was fished by Jim Cotter, who was delighted to catch an 8½ lbs springer on the Ballinlovane stretch. Mike Sheridan from Dungarvan caught and released the first springer of the season on the Blackwater Lodge fishery. This 9lb fish was taken on a spinner at the Hut on Lower Kilmurry, Friday February 6th. With a rise in the day time temperatures quite a few fish are starting to show and prospects are good.
Ardaire Springs Angling Centre in Mooncoin, Kilkenny is certainly getting a name for the heavy weights. Tip man Noel O’Conner was on top form when he landed the Mooncoin rose – a fine 13.7lb well-conditioned rainbow.

Fintan Brennan with his bag of silver…Winner of our ‘Catch of the Week’
Fintan Brennan with his bag of silver…Winner of our ‘Catch of the Week’

Foggy weather lifted to reveal a bright day for the South Munster coarse angling club league match on the Coachford Greenway at the weekend. Inniscarra has twelve anglers for this competition and Pawel Swistus won with a lovely 16lb 6ozs mixed bag of skimmers and roach.
Daingean Match Anglers took to the Barrow and after a slow start things heated up. Fintan Brennan had a fine bag of silver – a fantastic 50lb 5oz of dace which was a personal best and he also won the golden peg plus €200. Well Fintan the winning doesn’t stop there because you are also the winner of our ‘Catch of the Week’. Someone should get that man a lotto ticket soon!
Steven Neely with girlfriend kicked up a ruckus around Fermanagh in an inflatable canoe. Searching for perch (who didn’t seem interested in feeding), Steven rustled the feathers of a number of medium sized jack pikes who were going bonkers for small shads and paddle tails! The biggest pike was around 8lb but the fun was enormous.
Fishmaniak club remind us that they are having their pike competition on Lough Egish on Sunday 15th February. Pawel Orlow and his pike fishing companions enjoyed some good fishing during the week now that the waters temperatures have improved.
Melview Lodge friends Rob, Dermot, Aidan and Kieran were out with Kevin Lyons who tells us that the big ones have still not come onto feed yet but the lads had some nice fish around the 14lb mark.
Kayak angling is very much in the news of late and Brian McCall of Irish Kayak Angling tells us that two of their members had a very productive outing at Hook Peninsula. Joe and Chris caught some nice whiting and an impressive pollack weighing 7.5lb. Experienced angler Gary Robinson gave us an account of the rivers as he crossed Ireland from Galway to the East. What a wonderful way to view Ireland’s rivers and lakes and fish at will.
Settled conditions in Cork Harbour gave Jacques Bronkhorst and Kevin Mc Loughlin the opportunity to head out with Richie Ryan and all enjoyed some good cod fishing. Dolphins and two Humpback Whales kept the Tigger charterboat and its crew amused as they fished for Pollack, Cod and Pouting.
Carrigavantry which is a wonderful 30 acre reservoir hidden in the hills behind Tramore, Co. Waterford are holding an open fly fishing competition with all proceeds are going to The Irish Disabled Fly Fishing Association. Should you wish to support this excellent cause, give Michael Sheridan a ring on 086 1073086.
The weather is looking good for the weekend with light winds but there will be a few showers. Get out, get fishing and wear the life jacket.

Tight lines especially in Ireland,

Nancy Hearne
Catch, Photo, Release

If you have an angling story to share with the Irish Angling Update please send it to [email protected].


Salmon fishing reports

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The Salmon are in and the tide is out. Photo taken by Mrs Mary Fitzgerald
Currane – The Salmon are in and the tide is out.    Photo taken by Mrs Mary Fitzgerald

Editor’s Note: Our apologies we inadvertently used the incorrect images when first published.  This has now been amended.