Billy Downes, Laune Salmon and Trout Anglers’ Association, reports on the fishing on the Laune…

As of  Monday 23rd water at 2 feet 6 inches on the gauge at Johnston’s and in lovely order for all methods just now.  As it falls to 2 feet over the next week it will be in even better condition.  Angling effort is low but as conditions improve hopefully there will be some salmon and sea trout to report.

River Laune
Laune in perfect order but news of fish – scarce

With the improving weather giving a few casts is at least a pleasant experience even if a pull is a remote possibility. 

The Laune Bridge OPW water level: ( )

Billy Downes  Secretary
Laune Salmon and Trout Anglers’ Association

Go fishing…

The fishing is closed until 17 January 2015 but for update information on permit prices etc look up:
Facebook: Facebook Laune Anglers
Email: [email protected]

All about the River Laune…