Monday to Friday brought summer like conditions with little wind, warm air temperatures and bright sunshine. Hardly ideal salmon angling conditions but it was nice to feel the warm sun on our backs. The weekend was almost the polar opposite with strong winds and wintry showers that left the tops of the mountains white! The river ran at lovely levels over the week. The gauge read 0.81m on Monday and the river gradually dropped over the week to read 0.69m by Sunday which gave lovely fly fishing levels. Despite the bright weather from Monday to Friday catches were good and some 15 plus salmon were caught for the week.

12.5lb salmon
Paul McCausland caught and released an 8.5lb salmon from the Mill Pool and also had a 12.5lb salmon caught on a ‘Flying C’ from the Cascades


Paul McCausland caught and released an 8.5lb salmon from the Mill Pool. R. Burke caught an 11lb salmon on a ‘Flying C’ from the Wee Drain. Prionnsas Doherty, recorded a 12lb salmon caught on prawn from The Meadow. Paul McCausland reported a 12.5lb salmon caught on a ‘Flying C’ from the Cascades.

D. McKee registered an 11lb salmon caught on Worm from the Mill Pool
D. McKee registered an 11lb salmon caught on Worm from the Mill Pool


On Sunday. D. McNeice caught and released a 7.5lb salmon on Prawn from Foggan’s Bushes. D. McKee registered an 11lb salmon caught on Worm from the Mill Pool. William Marshall recorded a 7lb salmon caught on prawn from the Money Hole. S. Morgan caught two salmon on prawn from the Money Hole weighing 7 & 8lb with the smaller of these released again. Bernard McCullough reported an 1lb salmon caught on a ‘Flying C’ from the Otter Hole. Darren McNelis logged a 7lb salmon caught on fly from the Eel Weir and Eddy Tuft accounted for a 6.5lb salmon caught on worm from the Money Hole. There was also another 7lb fish caught on prawn from the Boat Pier.

Prionnsas Doherty, recorded a 12lb salmon caught on prawn from The Meadow
Prionnsas Doherty, recorded a 12lb salmon caught on prawn from The Meadow

At the time of writing the weather is somewhat cold and blustery and is forecast is for the same for the early days of the week but fairer weather is forecast towards the weekend. Prospects look good for the coming week.
Lindsey Clarke
email: [email protected]

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For info/bookings etc on the Drowes Fishery & Lough Melvin see or Tel: 071 9841055 (8am to 12 noon).