Coming into the 2015 season Carty’s Land and Sea Sports are proud to welcome Denny Brennan to our team of pro fly tiers . Denny from Cookstown Co Tyrone is a well known and respected fly tier and has over the years tied at many big international events such as the Irish fly fair . He is rated by many including angling journalist and fly tier Declan Tuffy as being the best commercial fly tier in the world . Quote “I first met Denny a few years ago , but I had known of his work for years before that . Over the years I admired trays of his flies but never had the privilege to meet him . As I was doing a tying demonstration one day , Denny quietly approached the bench and asked what sort of capes I was using . I said I use many different types and introduced myself . He told me his name . I stood up and asked him to come behind the bench and show me how he ties such lovely flies . He is a gentleman and I liked him from the word go . A humble man , when I marvelled at his work , he just smiled and said , Declan there just flies .
Once or twice in a lifetime you come across a fly tier that will just blow you away ; a tier of such quality who produces flies that are not only cloned but are tied to perfection . Everything about his work , the proportions , colour , style and fishability are so good that it could make fellow fly tiers cry and wish they could tie like him . I remember having a conversation with well known American tier Chris Helm who said to me that you can consider yourself a good tier when you have tied at least 10,000 flies . I agreed and when I asked Denny to put a number on how many flies he has tied , he put a conservative estimate of 250,000 to date .This is by any standard , a phenomenal body of work . It is no wonder that , in my view he is the best commercial fly tier that I have ever seen and I would argue that he is the best commercial tier in the world today. ”
Dennys flies have proven successful all over the world in Russia , Iceland , Norway , Canada , Alaska and Scotland . His Irish river selection are unbeatable and are a must in the fly box of any angler serious about success on the fly in Ireland .He will be supplying through Cartys , specific flies for Irish rivers such as the Drowes , Duff , Ballisodare , Drumcliff , the Moy , Finn , Mourne ect . Also during the season he will be joining us instore for a fly tying demo/workshop . Orders for specific patterns can be taken in the shop so if you have a “special ” one that you are afraid to use incase you loose it he will copy it for you . We are also stocking a selection of his more popular patterns that will also be available through our online shop
Carty’s Land and Sea Sports,
Bundoran, Co. Donegal.
Tel: +353 (0) 86 3903655
E-mail: [email protected]