Tooman Fishery in Dromod, Co. Leitrim report a festival win for Shaun with 196-8-0 at their 3-Day Autumn Festival.
Sunday 16th October , the final day of the autumnal festival. Well as the weather once again closed in on us rain, rain, freezing cold wind , constantly changing direction , not good and with things very tight at the top all eyes were on who drew where , and with Shaun and chubby both draw well , and Wayne drawing an unfancied peg it was all to play for .
The festival was as always decided on weight over the three days. And once again Shaun Keenan came out on top. 1 st Shaun Keenan 196-8-0. 2 nd the chublet brown 188-2-0.3rd Wayne brotherston 179-8-0.4 th Dara Finnegan 167-0-0. 5 th Barry Taylor 165-6-0. 6 th Tony Burke 157-2-0. 7 th Gavin brown 140-2-0. 8 th Jamie 139-8-0. 9 th Stephen Taylor 131-14-0. 10th jimmie Rush 131-13-0. 11 th Bob Hume 125-10-0. 12 th davyhamilton121-0-0. Very well done to you all .
The pairs was won by Wayne and Barry with 336-12-0. (€200) . 2 nd Jamie and chubby 327-10-0 . (€130) . Over €2200 was paid out to the top six . All other competitors names were then put into a hat and three names were drawn out , each person picking a plain envelope which told them there prize . Bob Hume won a maver signature 1000 seat box value €600. Jamie won a Maver venue seat box value €250. Gordon won a season ticket value €300.
Many thanks to all our competitors , we have a great bunch of anglers , who support us and the fishery. From myself and my wife Looby we thank you all for your continued loyalty. I must thank my hard working wife for all her help , we would be lost with out you. xx many thanks to Gavin and a lot of the lads for there help with the weighing in . Almost forgot the biggest fish prize goes to Gavin brown for a lovely fish of 11-10-0
Go Fishing
Tooman’s Fishery,
Owners: Herbert, Lyndy and Anthony
Dromod, Leitrim, Ireland
Message: @ToomanFishery
Phone: (043) 332 4119
As one of the leading fishing and angling destinations here in Ireland we offer four luxurious man made fishing lakes with a wide range of fish. We also offer self catering accommodation with our luxurious two bedroom cottage attached to the main house. This is ideal for fisherman looking to spend a relaxing time away from home.