Another successful team competition of & in Northern Ireland is over! It took place on the 08/10/2016 – Carrick on Shannon. A few minutes after 7 a.m. all participants showed up at the meeting point. Nine teams (17 people) were participated in the competition. In general, 6 perches and 34 pikes were caught until we finished at 4:00 p.m. After final scoring, the results were announced and the winners awarded.


Here is the list of winners:
1st place: Bartek, Krzysiek 448,5
2nd place: Henryk, Kacper 379,5
3rd place: Artur, Rafał 313,5

4 – Sebastian, Grzegorz 272
5 – Michał, Krzysztof 271
6 – Edward, Robert 270
7 – Maciek 133
8 – Ela, Julian 115 & Darek, Mikołaj 115

As always there was a barbecue party after the competition.

fishmaniak-oct-10th-2016-pic-6Many thanks for our sponsors:

Marty’s Baps for bread
Also many thanks for Henkowy for organasing and preparing barbecue.

Thanks for coming and congratulations to the winners. The next competition is planned soon. All information will be available ASAP.

Go fishing…

Fishmaniak.plFishmaniak - logo

Phone: 085 7600801

Email: [email protected]


This Polish Fishing Club was founded in the fall of 2008,  the club brings together anglers residing in the Ireland  – to promote sportsmanship and basic principle Catch & Release.

Polski klub wędkarski powstał na jesieni 2008r założycielem oraz pomysłodawca jest Paweł Ładniak , klub zrzesza wędkarzy przebywających na wyspach , działania klubu są proste – propagowanie sportowej rywalizacji oraz podstawowa zasada Catch & Release .