Gary Robinson of Kayak Fisherman Ireland mightn’t be a Mayo man but he too sometimes has a problem with his mojo ! Read his account of a fishing trip lately:
I have been doing a few shore sessions recently. With weather and time constraints it was impossible to get the kayak out so the next option was to fish from the shore.
When I started kayak fishing I got rid of all the shore gear so I had to get another bit in to replace it. That done and with the stunning Kerry landscape as a backdrop, all I had to do was get bait, turn up at the beach and catch fish. All of that has been easy except for the fish catching part.
I am experiencing what every angler goes through form time to time; it’s just not working, I have missing mojo! It happens to the best of us but it is not much fun to deal with. It’s not that I haven’t been catching, I have, but it’s just been a procession of dogfish punctuated with the odd mackerel.
I think perseverance is key here and it is just a matter of time before things pick up again. Every good session makes us forget about all the bad ones that came before it. I just hope that good session decides to rear its head sooner rather than later.
I figured that launching the kayak might make up for it and when a weather window presented itself, that’s exactly what I did. But with a calm morning and good company out on the lazy swell it still just wasn’t to be. Ray were the target but it wasn’t to be. Almost inconsolable I decided to head over to some rougher ground and chucked a few lures for the reliable pollack.
I didn’t meet any decent fish but it was a very welcome change from the dogfish! Here’s hoping Sunday brings about a long awaited change of fortune.
Gary Robinson
Kayak angling in Ireland
Gary discovered the thrill, freedom and pure joy of kayak fishing almost by accident. After purchasing kayaks with the intention of paddling trips with his long-suffering partner, he started to assess the suitability of such a craft as a fishing platform. Some internet searches showed him that he was not alone in his thoughts. America and Australia already had blossoming populations of kayak anglers. Needing no more encouragement, he set about rigging his first sit on top kayak and transforming it into a fishing platform to gain access to some of the more inaccessible waters. .
Find out more about Gary and his adventures at