Shane Gallagher tells us of another lovely salmon on the Drowes:
Water levels have dropped in recent days to 0.763 metres on the gauge at the Four Masters’ Bridge. It has been cold and dry since Sunday but today started off with strong winds and rain from the south. Eddie Roulston had his second fish of the season from the Tinker’s Hole this morning. The 8lbs fish took a red flying c with copper blade. The forecast is mixed for the rest of the week with frequent showers in cold and blustery conditions.
Shane Gallagher
Drowes Salmon Fishery
Make a booking
The Drowes Fishery is one of Ireland’s premier spring salmon and grilse fisheries. The Drowes is among the earliest opening salmon fisheries in the country and regularly claims the honour of producing Ireland’s first salmon of the season on opening day, January 1st. The river is some 5 miles in length, with over 70 named pools, flowing from Lough Melvin at Lareen Bay and entering the sea at Tullaghan, just outside Bundoran. The Drowes has a wide variety of water suitable for all fishing methods, including several miles of good fly water and deeper slower moving pools suitable for spinning and bait fishing.
For information and bookings on the Drowes Fishery & Lough Melvin see or Tel: 071 9841055 (8am to 12 noon).
Mob: +353 (0) 87 8050806