Fishery manager Osgur Grieve reports that there were 3 salmon caught during the past week (20 – 25th September). Ian Ferris was first off the mark with a nice 5.15lbs grilse from the Falls Pool on a Stoat’s Tail. Ian returned 3 small sea trout and was also unlucky to lose another grilse earlier that day. Saturday 24th saw a big flood of 2.8m come down the river leaving it unfishable for the day. The river conditions were a lot better on Sunday 25th and Tony Carmody released a nice fresh grilse of 6lbs from the Middle Garden Pool using a Collie Dog. Later that day Rupert Banks had a 3.5lbs grilse from the Upper Square Pool on a Red Francis.
We still have some fresh fish entering the system and water levels should be reasonable with rain keeping water levels up.
Fishing prospects look good for the next few days with plenty of water in the system and we still have rods available for anglers looking for late season salmon fishing.
For bookings please call (095) 42208 or check